Student Consumer Information
Visit the following links to get the details about West Coast University’s policies pertaining to consumer disclosures, student financial assistance, student health and safety, and other general institutional information.
Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure
Complaint/Grievance Procedure
Student Consumer Information – Student Grievance and Complaint Procedures
Pre-Dispute Arbitration and Class Action Waiver Disclosure
West Coast University seeks to resolve disputes or claims between any student and the school in a manner that addresses an individual student’s complaint in an efficient, cost-effective, and quicker manner than traditional litigation. A student who enrolls at West Coast University agrees, as a condition of his or her enrollment, to resolve any dispute through mandatory arbitration that shall not be adjudicated as a class action or a consolidated class arbitration proceeding. However, the school cannot require a student loan borrower to participate in arbitration or any internal dispute resolution process offered by the institution prior to filing a borrower defense to repayment application with the U.S. Department of Education pursuant to 34 CFR 685.206(e); the school cannot, in any way, require students to limit, relinquish, or waive their ability to pursue filing a borrower defense claim, pursuant to 34 CFR 685.206(e) at any time; and any arbitration, required by a pre-dispute arbitration agreement, tolls the limitations period for filing a borrower defense to repayment application pursuant to 34 CFR 685.206(e)(6)(ii).
General Institutional Information
Privacy of student records
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, As Amended
Student Consumer Information – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Services for students with disabilities
Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Students with Disabilities
- Request for Disability Accommodations
- Definition of Terms Related to Disability Services for Students
- Student’s Responsibilities Related to Disability Services
- Emergency Plan for Students with Disabilities
- Statement of Disability Services for Students
- Disability Verification Form
Institutional Contact Information
Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure
Complaint/Grievance Procedure
Student Consumer Information – Student Grievance and Complaint Procedures
Predispute Resolutions
The U.S Department of Education has implemented regulations regarding Federal Direct Loans dispersed on or after July 1, 2017.
For predispute arbitration agreements, under 34 CFR 685.300(f)(3)(iii)(B):
We agree not to use any predispute arbitration agreement to stop you from bringing a lawsuit concerning our acts or omissions regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision by us of educational services for which the Federal Direct Loan was obtained. You may file a lawsuit regarding such a claim or you may be a member of a class action lawsuit regarding such a claim even if you do not file it. This provision does not apply to any other claims. We agree that only the court is to decide whether a claim asserted in the lawsuit is a claim regarding the making of the Direct Loan or the provision of educational services for which the loan was obtained.
For predispute arbitration agreements, or other predispute agreements addressing class actions under 34 CFR 685.300(e)(3)(iii)(B):
We agree not to use any predispute agreement to stop you from being part of a class action lawsuit in court. You may file a class action lawsuit in court or you may be a member of a class action lawsuit even if you do not file it. This provision applies only to class action claims concerning our acts or omissions regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision by us of educational services for which the Federal Direct Loan was obtained. We agree that only the court is to decide whether a claim asserted in the lawsuit is a claim regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision of educational services for which the loan was obtained.
General Institutional Information
Privacy of student records
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, As Amended
Student Consumer Information – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Student Diversity
National Center for Educational Statistics (Data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS))
Note: Refer to section labeled Enrollment
Price of Attendance
Net Price Calculator
Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Return of Title IV Funds Policy
Federal Refund Requirements vs. State Refund Requirements
Textbook Information
Educational Programs
Associate Degree in Nursing (Florida)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (California, Florida & Texas)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Online)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Health Administration and Leadership (Online)
Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (Online)
Bachelor of Science in Health Administration – Strategic Management (Online)
Bachelor of Science in Health Administration – Finance (Online)
RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Online)
LVN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (California, Florida & Texas)
Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Online)
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (California)
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (California)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Advanced Generalist (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Educator (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Leader (Online)
RN to Master of Science in Nursing – Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Advanced Generalist (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Educator (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Leader (Online)
Master of Science in Nursing – Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Online)
Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Online)
Master of Physician Assistant Hybrid Program (California)
Master of Speech-Language Pathology (Online)
Post Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate (Online)
Post Master’s Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate (Online)
Post Master’s Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate (Online)
Post Master’s Nurse Educator Certificate (Online)
Post Master’s Nurse Leader Certificate (Online)
Post Master’s Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate (Online)
Master of Business Administration (Online)
Master of Business Administration – Health Administration & Leadership (Online)
Master of Business Administration – Project Management (Online)
Master of Business Administration – Public Health (Online)
Master of Health Administration (Online)
Master of Health Administration – Project Management (Online)
Master of Health Administration – Public Health (Online)
Master of Health Administration – Organizational Leadership (Online)
Master of Public Health (Online)
Doctor of Nursing Practice (Online)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (California)
Doctor of Pharmacy (California)
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (California)
Occupational Therapy Doctorate (California)
Master of Physician Assistant (Texas)
Instructional, Laboratory, and other Physical Facilities
Faculty and Instructional Personnel
Administration and Faculty by Location
Faculty & Administration Publications and Scholarly Contributions
Transfer of Credit Policies
Undergraduate Residency Requirement
Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at West Coast University
Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institutional Programs
Institutional & Programmatic Accreditation
Copyright Infringement – Policies and Sanctions
Academic Honor Code
Student Handbook
Career Services Assistance
Student Financial Assistance
Financial assistance available to students
Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements
WCU Scholarships & Grants
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
Annual Security Report – Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Policies, Procedures, and Sanctions for Alcohol and Other Drugs
U.S. Department of Education – FAFSA Facts
Student Loan Information
Entrance Counseling for Student Borrowers
Code of Conduct regarding Lender Relationships and Loans
Student Health and Safety
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Student Handbook
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Policies, Procedures, and Sanctions for Alcohol and Other Drugs
Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Crime Log
Student Handbook
U.S. Department of Education – Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Tool
Identity Theft Prevention Program
Crime Log
The crime log is not Currently available online; however, requests may be made at the front desk at each campus.
National Center for Educational Statistics (Data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS))
Note: Refer to section labeled Campus Security
Nursing program:
Based on the CDC Recommended Immunizations for Health-Care Personnel (HCP), all HCPs must submit documentation of immunization to Hepatitis B (series of three doses with anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3), proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, or a signed declination; Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR); Varicella (chickenpox); and Tetanus, include Influenza (yearly), Hepatitis A, and Pneumonia. For some individuals, a titer test will be indicated vs. vaccinations. Titer tests showing immunity to listed pathogens are acceptable. Titer tests showing a negative response require appropriate immunizations and follow-up titers must be completed and submitted. Diphtheria and Pertussis (booster every 10 years) are highly recommended immunizations for HCPs. If one or more of the listed immunizations are contraindicated, documentation must be submitted clearly identifying the reason(s). Clinical laboratory reports with the facility stamp and a medical doctor’s signature is required. See the Nursing Student Handbook for additional information.
For more information on immunizations and vaccines, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/.
Dental Hygiene program:
Enrolled students are exposed to blood-borne pathogens and infectious diseases. These include but are not limited to pathogenic microorganisms present in human blood and can cause diseases such as Hepatitis (HBV), Herpes, Tuberculosis, and HIV. Students are required to treat all patients assigned and as a result, the potential exists for transmission of blood-borne and other infectious diseases during patient care services. West Coast University is committed to protecting the rights of individuals who may have a blood-borne infectious disease. The purpose of the program Blood-borne Pathogen Policy (BPP) and Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is to minimize the risk of transmission of blood-borne pathogens, as well as, minimize the risk to other environmental hazards. The dental hygiene program complies with all local, state and federal infection control policies including the application of Standard Precautions as stipulated by current CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Guidelines and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Standards. For policies on blood-borne and infectious diseases, contact the Dean of Dental Hygiene.
Based on the CDC Recommended Immunizations for Health- Care Personnel (HCP), all HCP students must submit documentation of immunization to Hepatitis B (series of three doses with anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3), proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, or a signed declination; Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR); Varicella (chickenpox); and Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (booster every 10 years). Highly recommended immunizations for the HCP students include Influenza (yearly), Hepatitis A, and Pneumonia. For some individuals, a titer test will be indicated vs. vaccinations. Titer tests showing immunity to listed pathogens are acceptable. Titer tests showing a negative response require appropriate immunizations and follow-up titers must be completed and submitted. If one or more of the listed immunizations are contraindicated, documentation must be submitted clearly identifying the reason(s). Clinical laboratory reports with facility stamp and medical doctor’s signature are required.
The CDC Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings are intended to protect the HCP student and patients. The TB screening program consists of two major components: (1) baseline single test for M. tuberculosis infection and (2) serial testing/screening for M. tuberculosis infection. The HCP student must have a baseline single test followed by serial skin testing or blood testing every year. If the HCP student has a baseline positive result or has previously had a positive result, a chest radiograph must be completed to exclude a diagnosis of TB disease. Thereafter, every year the HCP student must receive a symptom screen. Documentation of positive skin or blood test and negative chest x-ray must be submitted.
Physical Therapy program:
Based on the CDC Recommended Immunizations for Health- Care Personnel (HCP), all HCP students must submit documentation of immunization to Hepatitis B (series of three doses with anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3), proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, or a signed declination; Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR); Varicella (chickenpox); and Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (booster every 10 years). Highly recommended immunizations for the HCP students include Influenza (yearly), Hepatitis A, and Pneumonia. To confirm evidence of immunity, in addition to immunization records, titers may also be required. Titer tests showing immunity to listed pathogens are acceptable. Titer tests showing a negative response require appropriate immunizations and follow-up titers must be completed and submitted. If one or more of the listed immunizations are contraindicated, documentation must be submitted clearly identifying the reason(s). Clinical laboratory reports with facility stamp and medical doctor’s signature are required. For more information on immunizations and vaccines, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/
It is recommended the following requirements of the physical/health examination be completed and submitted to the CORE software prior to admissions:
Influenza Vaccine ‘flu shot’ is mandatory. However, if a student refuses to submit proof of influenza vaccination, the student must submit the flu declination form with the reason a student cannot receive an influenza vaccination, and must be signed/stamped by an M.D., N.P., C.N.M, or P.A.
Submit appropriate documentation provided by the practitioner’s office to include:
1. Name and location of the clinic
2. Date the vaccination was received
3. Lot # of the vaccine
4. Printed name and/or office stamp AND signature of practitioner
DUE: Upon admission to the University and Updated annually during flu season (October – March)
Two-Step Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test or QuantiFERON blood test
Submit either:
1. The completed 2-step TB skin test form provided by West Coast University (1-4 week wait in between each shot)
2. Negative QuantiFERON blood test with date and signature of issuer
*Students with a history of a positive TB test must provide documentation of a negative chest x-ray AND negative QuantiFERON blood test with date and signature of issuer
DUE: Upon admission to the University and Updated annually during the last 2 weeks of August.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Proof of immunity as evidenced by BOTH of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include two doses of MMR vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella within the last 5 years
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Proof of immunity as evidenced by BOTH of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include two doses of varicella vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for varicella within the last 5 years
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine
Documentation that the Tdap vaccine has been received within last 10 years and must not expire while in the program.
DUE: Upon admission to University and must not expire while enrolled in the program
Hepatitis B
Proof of immunity as evidence by BOTH of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for hepatitis B within the last 5 years
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Occupational Therapy programs:
Based on the CDC Recommended Immunizations for Health- Care Personnel (HCP), all HCP students must submit documentation of immunization to Hepatitis B (series of three doses with anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3), proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, or a signed declination; Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR); Varicella (chickenpox); and Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (booster every 10 years). Highly recommended immunizations for the HCP students include Influenza (yearly), Hepatitis A, and Pneumonia. To confirm evidence of immunity, in addition to immunization records, titers may also be required. Titer tests showing immunity to listed pathogens are acceptable. Titer tests showing a negative response require appropriate immunizations and follow-up titers must be completed and submitted. If one or more of the listed immunizations are contraindicated, documentation must be submitted clearly identifying the reason(s). Clinical laboratory reports with facility stamp and medical doctor’s signature are required. For more information on immunizations and vaccines, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/
It is recommended the following requirements of the physical/health examination be completed and submitted to the CORE software prior to admissions:
Influenza Vaccine ‘flu shot’ is mandatory.
Submit appropriate documentation provided by the practitioner’s office to include:
1. Name and location of the clinic
2. Date the vaccination was received
3. Lot # of the vaccine
4. Printed name and/or office stamp AND signature of practitioner
DUE: Upon admission to the University and Updated annually.
Two-Step Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test or QuantiFERON blood test:
Submit either
1. The completed 2-step TB skin test (1-3 week wait in between each shot)
2. Negative QuantiFERON blood test with date and signature of issuer
*Students with a history of a positive TB test must provide documentation of a negative chest x-ray OR negative QuantiFERON blood test with date and signature of issuer
DUE: Upon admission to the University and Updated annually.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Proof of immunity as evidenced by either of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include two doses of MMR vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella within the last 5 years
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Proof of immunity as evidenced by either of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include two doses of varicella vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for varicella.
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine
Documentation that the Tdap vaccine has been received within last 10 years and must not expire while in the program.
DUE: Upon admission to University and must not expire while enrolled in the program
Hepatitis B
Proof of immunity as evidence by either of the following:
1. Vaccine records that include the 3-dose Adult series of the hepatitis B vaccine,
2. Laboratory testing (titer) that shows positive levels of antibodies for hepatitis B.
DUE: Upon admission to the University and as needed by clinical sites
Pharmacy program:
Below is the list of required vaccinations. Please provide proof of immunity to each of the infections listed below by submitting either positive titers, proof of vacations, or a negative test. It is important that all vaccinations and health records are up to date to ensure no delays in scheduling your experiential rotations. These guidelines are set in place to ensure your safety and the safety of those you will encounter during your experiential education. Please provide proof of vaccination or a positive titer and a negative skin test or chest x-ray for each of the items below.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Required Documentation:
Positive/reactive Measles, Mumps, and Rubella IgG Antibody Titers (Results for all three diseases must be present) or proof of 2-dose vaccination (4 weeks apart)
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Required Documentation:
Positive/reactive Varicella IgG Antibody Titer or proof of 2-dose vaccination (4-8 weeks apart)
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
Required Documentation:
Proof of vaccination for Tdap (not Td or childhood Dtap) (Good for 10 years)
TB Screening
Required Documentation:
Negative skin test results (within the year, to be repeated annually)
Negative Chest X-Ray (within 2 years, to be repeated every 2 years)
Hepatitis B
Required Documentation:
Positive Hep B Surface Antibody Titer or proof of vaccination
*If you have never been vaccinated for Hep B, two of the three dose series must be completed BEFORE orientation week (August). Please keep in mind that there is a four-week waiting period between dose 1 and 2
Required Documentation:
Proof of vaccination for Annual flu vaccine (once it becomes available)
Hepatitis A (only if required by sites)
Required Documentation:
Positive/reactive Hep A Antibody Titer or proof of vaccination
The Office of Experiential Education will inform students if rotation sites require this vaccination
Student Outcomes
Retention Rates
National Center for Educational Statistics (Data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS))
Note: Refer to section labeled Retention and Graduation Rates
Graduation Rates
Student Right to Know Disclosure
Placement Rates & Completion/Graduation Rates
State Disclosures – Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) School Performance Fact Sheet
Official Cohort Default Rate Information
Schools 3-Year Default Rate FY 2021, 2020, and 2019
OPEID: 036983
Type: Doctor’s Degree
Name: West Coast University
Address: 12215 Victory Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 916063206
Control: Proprietary
Program: None
Cohort Fiscal Year | Official Default Rate | Number of Borrowers in Default | Number of Borrowers in Repayment | Enrollment Figures | Percentage Calculation |
Year | Default Rate | # of Borrowers Default |
# of Borrowers Repayment |
Enroll | % |
2021 | 0 | 0 | 4713 | N/A | N/A |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 3755 | 15,953 | 23.54% |
2019 | 0.1 | 4 | 3179 | 14,090 | 22.56% |
Enrollment Note: To provide context for the Cohort Default Rate (CDR) data, we include Enrollment Figures (students enrolled at any time during the year) and the corresponding Percentage Calculation (borrowers entering repayment divided by that enrollment figure). There is no direct relationship between the timing of when a borrower entered repayment and any particular enrollment year; we have chosen to use the academic year ending on the 30th of June before the beginning of the cohort year.
Cohort Default Rate (CDR) data is not displayed when Number of Borrowers in Repayment (number of borrowers entering repayment in cohort) includes 10 or few borrowers.
Voter Registration
In order to register to vote in the state of California, please use the following website: www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voter-registration.
In California, the deadline to register to vote for any election is 15 days before Election Day, deadlines for upcoming elections can be found below:
Election Date | Your registration must be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than: |
November 5, 2024 | October 21, 2024 |