WCU-OC BSDH Graduate Spotlight: Julie Rehder

Julie Rehder has a lot to celebrate. The recent West Coast University-Orange County graduate completed her bachelor’ of science in dental hygiene degree and earned several top awards at her drive-thru pinning ceremony — including recognition as president of her cohort and the top Colgate Star Award

“I feel very passionate about my patients and I always try to provide the best, individualized care for each patient,” Julie shared “It was a great honor to receive the Colgate Star Award because that care is what I strive for every day.”

Julie was working as a dental assistant for nearly five years before she decided to pursue her dental hygiene degree at WCU.

“The dentist I worked for was encouraging me to pursue my degree and after my best friend graduated from the same program at West Coast in 2017, it drove it home that I could do it,” she said.

One of the highlights of the program for Julie was working in West Coast University’s Dental Hygiene clinic, which remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic to serve the community.

“The best thing about our clinic is that we can give free services to the community at no charge,” she said. “We are very lucky to have the community as a resource to earn all our clinic hours.”

Now Julie can work towards completing her licensure exams and her career as a dental hygienist.

“I’m really proud of our cohort,” Julie said. “It’s been over two years of hard work and I’m so excited that we get to go off on our adventure and put our own personal touch on our career.”

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