WCU IRB Policy
What We Do
The West Coast University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the authority that reviews, approves, and provides ongoing oversight for, or in some cases denies, the research of WCU faculty and students. The WCU IRB applies the definition of human subjects research in accordance with federal regulations. The IRB is charged with the process to ensure human subjects in any research project are treated fairly, safely, autonomously, and with integrity.
To ensure that federal regulations governing human subjects research are satisfied and to meet the institution’s federally mandated responsibility to provide oversight for such research, all West Coast University faculty, staff, and students must submit for IRB review any research activity that involves human subjects. IRB approval is required before any research activities may begin, including but not limited to recruitment.
Please note that not all data gathering and analysis activities using information gleaned from human subjects fall under IRB jurisdiction. However, the determination as to whether your proposed activities fall under the federal regulations for research with human subjects must be made by the IRB.
Who We Are
The West Coast University IRB is registered with the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We are composed of individuals from the faculty, staff, and the external community to assure a diverse background in terms of research experience, areas of scholarship, and a connection to the general community. As such, the IRB is composed of members with backgrounds in pharmacy, nursing, dental hygiene, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and public health. In addition, the IRB consists of members of a nonscientific background. The members are guided by regulations and standards of practice formulated and enforced by various government departments including the Department of Health and Human Services and its respective Offices of Human Research Protection.