WCU Scholarships and Grants
in California

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California Nursing Scholarships and Grants

Wondering if you’re eligible for California nursing school scholarships and/or grants? You don’t have to figure it out alone. Get connected with a WCU financial aid advisor who can help you determine if you meet the criteria for any of the below CA nursing school scholarships and grants.

California Norma Ford Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is offered to select BSN, LVN-BSN, LPN-BSN, or BSDH students based on academic and need-based qualifications as they enter their 3rd or 4th academic year at West Coast University. Applications are available in the campus Financial Aid Office and must be approved by the Financial Aid Director. To apply, the students must have a minimum 3.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average at West Coast University and have exhausted all other options for gap financing, as confirmed by the campus Financial Aid Director. This scholarship is only available to on-ground students.

Scholarship funds will be applied to tuition and fees at West Coast University each semester for a maximum of four semesters. Offer amounts vary but will not exceed $5,000 per semester for California students. Funds are limited. Not all who apply will receive a scholarship.

Norma Ford Memorial Scholarships will be renewed for subsequent years for students who have earned a minimum CGPA of 3.0 at WCU through the end of the previous academic year.

Greg Jarvis Simulation Scholarship (Available for all campuses)

In 2011, West Coast University honored alumnus Greg Jarvis with the presentation of its first-ever “Distinguished Alumnus Award”. Following the presentation of this prestigious award, WCU announced the “Greg Jarvis Scholarship”, to be given to students who had outstanding achievements in simulation education. Mr. Jarvis was a Detroit, Michigan native who served in the Air Force, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Management Science from West Coast University.  In early 1986, Mr. Jarvis was chosen by NASA to join the crew of the Challenger space shuttle.  The nation watched in horror as the spacecraft exploded shortly after launch, killing all members aboard. Subsequently, Mr. Jarvis was posthumously awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.

This scholarship appropriately honors Greg Jarvis’ memory, for his professional life, his contributions to technological advancements, and the use of simulation technology in preparation for manned space flight.

The WCU Greg Jarvis Simulation Scholarship offers $1,000 to one student recipient per term (5 total), per campus, and is applied against tuition charges for the following term. The scholarship is applied toward tuition and fees only.  Applicants must complete and submit the application with all required documents prior to the end of NURS 481L in week 9 of the term.  For more information concerning eligibility requirements and required documentation, please see the Financial Aid department.

Greg Jarvis Simulation Scholarship (Available for all campuses)

In 2011, West Coast University honored alumnus Greg Jarvis with the presentation of its first-ever “Distinguished Alumnus Award”. Following the presentation of this prestigious award, WCU announced the “Greg Jarvis Scholarship”, to be given to students who had outstanding achievements in simulation education. Mr. Jarvis was a Detroit, Michigan native who served in the Air Force, and was awarded a Masters Degree in Management Science from West Coast University.  In early 1986, Mr. Jarvis was chosen by NASA to join the crew of the Challenger space shuttle.  The nation watched in horror as the spacecraft exploded shortly after launch, killing all members aboard. Subsequently, Mr. Jarvis was posthumously awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.

This scholarship appropriately honors Greg Jarvis’ memory, for his professional life, his contributions to technological advancements, and the use of simulation technology in preparation for manned space flight.

The WCU Greg Jarvis Simulation Scholarship offers $1,000 to one student recipient per term (5 total), per campus, and is applied against tuition charges for the following term. The scholarship is applied toward tuition and fees only.  Applicants must complete and submit the application with all required documents prior to the end of NURS 481L in week 9 of the term.  For more information concerning eligibility requirements and required documentation, please see the Financial Aid department.

All California Scholarships and Grants

A WCU financial aid advisor can help you determine if you’re eligible for any of the below California scholarships and grants. As award amounts and criteria can change, we encourage you to get in touch for the most up-to-date information.

Pathway Scholarship

WCU offers a scholarship to graduates from eligible American Career College programs that enrolls in advanced degrees in their field of study at WCU. The deadline to apply and provide all documents no later than the start of the academic year.

The award amounts for the WCU Pathway scholarship vary by program and campus the student attends. In addition, there is no cash value to this scholarship, if a student withdraws from the program prior to completion of eight semesters, future disbursements will be forfeited. Finally, this scholarship may not be combined with any other WCU grants or scholarships.

 Eligible Alumni Program  WCU Program  Semester/Trimester Max Awards
 Vocational Nursing  Bachelor of Science, Nursing or LVN/LPN to BSN  $3,000  $2,000  $1,500
 Dental Assisting  Bachelor of Science, Dental Hygiene  $3,000
 Pharmacy Assistant  Doctor of Pharmacy  $4,950
 Occupational Therapy Assistant  Occupational Therapy, Master of Science  $2,700  $2,850

The student must submit an application to apply and meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Graduated from an eligible program with a minimum CGPA of 3.0.
  2. Provide proof of ACC graduation.

For more information, students should contact the Financial Aid Director at the campus they are attending. The WCU Pathway Scholarship may not be combined with any other WCU scholarship or grants.

WCU Pathway Scholarship will be renewed for subsequent years for students who have earned a minimum CGPA of 3.0 at WCU through the end of the previous academic year.

MSOT/OTD Scholarships

Scholarship Eligibility

The Dean’s Scholarship and Community Leader Scholarship are available to new students enrolled in WCU’s MSOT and OTD programs who began enrollment in one of the OT programs with a start date of May 2024 or later. Scholarship funding is limited and not all applicants will be awarded a scholarship.

Terms and Conditions for OT Scholarships

Award amounts will not exceed direct education costs remaining after, federal loans, private loans, external agency benefits, and student payments. Awards may not result in a credit balance to the student. There is no cash value to this scholarship. If you withdraw, the scholarship will be pro-rated based on the tuition and fee charges earned for the trimester. Students who withdraw will forfeit future scholarship disbursements and eligibility. The terms and conditions and eligibility criteria for the Dean’s Scholarship and Community Leader Scholarship are subject to change, and the program may be discontinued at any time. Neither the Dean’s Scholarship or the Community Leader Scholarship may be combined with any other WCU scholarship or grant.

MSOT/OTD Dean’s Scholarship

Initial Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must be new students enrolled in WCU’S on ground MSOT or OTD programs (“Eligible Programs) with a start date of May 2024 or later, and who have not previously enrolled in a WCU OTD or MSOT program. Applicants must all demonstrate a minimum WCU CGPA of 3.25 and meet the Good Standing Policy at the end of the first academic year of enrollment of the MSOT or OTD program.

To apply for the MSOT/OTD Dean’s Scholarship, applicants must submit the Intent to Apply form on or before the last day of the first trimester of enrollment and submit a completed scholarship application, and the required essay (500 words maximum demonstrating your academic achievements, leadership qualities, and how these impact your personal growth) no later than one month prior to the start of the next academic year.

Scholarship recipients will be notified of their award prior to the start of the second academic year of enrollment by the Dean of Occupational Therapy. Notification of ongoing awards will be communicated to students prior to the start of the next academic year.

Ongoing Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for ongoing eligibility for a subsequent award, the student must:

  • Meet the Good Standing Policy.
  • The student’s CGPA will be evaluated at the end of each academic year. The CGPA at the end of the academic year must be 3.25 or higher to maintain the award for the next year.

If the award is lost due to not meeting any part of the ongoing eligibility requirements, it may not be regained. There is no opportunity for appeal after losing the award.

MSOT/OTD Community Leader Scholarship

Initial Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must be new students enrolled in WCU’S on ground MSOT or OTD programs (“Eligible Programs”) with a start date of May 2024 or later, and who have not previously enrolled in a WCU OTD or MSOT program. Applicants must all demonstrate a minimum WCU CGPA of 3.25 and meet the Good Standing Policy at the end of the first academic year of enrollment of the MSOT or OTD program.


To apply for the MSOT/OTD Dean’s Scholarship, applicants must submit the Intent to Apply form on or before the last day of the first trimester of enrollment and submit a completed scholarship application, the required essay (500 words maximum demonstrating your academic achievements, leadership qualities, and how these impact your personal growth), and provide evidence of a minimum of 30 hours of community engagement completed throughout the academic year (Activities must be submitted to and approved by the Dean, or their designee, prior to beginning activities) no later than one month prior to the start of the next academic year.


Scholarship recipients will be notified of their award prior to the start of the second academic year of enrollment by the Dean of Occupational Therapy. Notification of ongoing awards will be communicated to students prior to the start of the next academic year.


Ongoing Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for ongoing eligibility for a subsequent award, the student must:

  • Meet the Good Standing Policy.
  • Provide evidence of a minimum of 30 hours of community engagement each academic year according to the instructions listed in initial eligibility requirements.

If the award is lost due to not meeting any part of the ongoing eligibility requirements, it may not be regained. There is no opportunity for appeal after losing the award.

Pharmacy Scholarships

The priority deadline for receipt of all Pharmacy scholarship application materials is March 31st.  All offers must be accepted within 10 business days of receipt of the scholarship offer.  Funds remaining from unaccepted offers may be offered to additional applicants on a monthly basis.

Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship (up to five recipients per year)
  • $15,000 per academic year – up to $67,500 for the full 8 semester program
  • 50 and above cumulative GPA
  • Must have a Bachelor’s degree
  • Renewable for 4 1/2 years – must maintain GPA of 3.25 or higher throughout the program
  • Student must have accepted admission offer at the time of the offer
Dean's Scholarship (up to twenty recipients)
  • Up to $5,000 per academic year
  • 75 and above cumulative undergraduate GPA for the initial year offer
  • Demonstrate excellence in service engagement
  • Renewable for 4 1/2 years – must maintain

–   GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the program; and

–   Excellence in service engagement

  • Student must have accepted admission offer at the time of the offer
  • Must have accepted initial offer within 10 business days of receipt of the offer.

Scholarships for Current Students

Service Excellence Scholarship
  • Up to 10 recipients may be granted per year
  • Criteria:
    • Active participation in at least one professional organization
    • A proven record of leadership in community outreach and/or service agreement
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
  • Scholarship Amount: $1,000 scholarship toward following year’s tuition
Leadership Engaging and Advancing Pharmacy (LEAP) Scholarship
  • Up to 4 recipients may be granted per year
  • Criteria:
    • Leadership role in activities of a professional organization and/or student government
    • Leadership role in a project that promotes pharmacy profession/practice
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • Scholarship Amount: $2,500 scholarship toward following year’s tuition.

Students interested in receiving the President’s, Mark Hacken, and/or Dean’s Scholarships, described above, must notify the program Dean of his/her interest as a part of the program application process.

Scholarships will be applied toward required tuition and fees.  Students who withdraw prior to program completion will forfeit future disbursements.

Scholarship for Fourth Year Students:  The following scholarships may be offered over and above any other scholarship for which a student may qualify.

Academic Honors Scholarship
  • Criteria:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Third year PCOA ranking of 75th percentile or higher
  • Scholarship Amount: $5,000 scholarship toward fourth year tuition
Academic Merit Scholarship
  • Criteria:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Third year PCOA ranking between 50th and 75th percentile

Scholarship Amount:  $2,500 scholarship toward fourth year tuition.

Each of the above scholarship offers for new and current students is exclusive of the other offers and each recipient will be selected at the discretion of the Program using a scholarship rubric.  A student will receive the amount for the highest level for which the student was eligible and selected.  For example, if the student is selected for both a Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship and a Dean Scholarship, then that student will receive only the Presidential Scholarship. Only one scholarship will be offered per student.


Tips for Applying to California Scholarships

Applying for scholarships in California can be competitive, but with the right strategy, you can boost your chances of success. Consider the following tips as you work on your applications:

  1. Get a Head Start and Stay on Track: Deadlines for California scholarships can vary throughout the year. To stay ahead, start researching early and create a timeline with key dates and tasks.
  2. Pay Attention to Detail: Each scholarship may have specific eligibility criteria and application instructions. Take time to carefully read through the requirements, and make sure you meet all qualifications before submitting.
  3. Craft a Unique Personal Statement: Your essay or personal statement gives you the chance to share your unique perspective and story. Use this opportunity to show what sets you apart from other applicants, and be sure to carefully proofread your work.
  4. Broaden Your Search: There are countless scholarships available in California, covering a variety of fields and qualifications. Don’t limit yourself. The more applications you submit, the better your odds of securing funding.
  5. Request Personalized Letters of Recommendation: Ask people who know you well — teachers, supervisors, or mentors — to write recommendation letters that emphasize your character, skills, and accomplishments. Be sure to provide them with context about the scholarship to help them write an informed letter.