Scott Richards, PhD, PA-C



Feirstein, J. & Richards, S. (2022). Family Medicine. In B. Darwin, T. Ritsema, R. Ballweg, & D. Vetrosky (Eds.), Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice (7th ed., pp. 180-189). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Richards, S. & Feirstein, J. (2018). Family Medicine. In B. Darwin, T. Ritsema, R. Ballweg, & D. Vetrosky (Eds.), Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Barclay, T., Richards, S. (2015). Mental Optometry: A new psychotherapeutic approach integrating neurobiology, visual perception and imagery, and emotions and behaviors. GSTF Journal of Psychology, 2(1), 41-47.

Barclay, T., Richards, S., Schoffstall, J., Magnuson, C., McPhee, C., Price, J., Aita, S., Anderson, A., Johnson, D., Price, J. (2014). A pilot study on the effects of exercise on depression symptoms using levels of neurotransmitters and EEG as markers. European Journal of Psychology & Educational Sciences, 1(1), 30-35.


Richards S. Understanding Climate Change Denial: A Terror Management Theory Explanation. Presentation for Monmouth University’s Annual Climate Crisis Teach-In. October 2021.

Richards S. Mindful Leadership. Presentation for Monmouth University’s Health Education and Physical Education Department. October 2021.

Hirschler, C., & Richards, S. Adapting to Challenging Leadership in Academic: A Mindful Approach. Presentation at the national Academic Chairpersons Conference, February 2021.

Richards, S. Student Remediation & Support. Workshop facilitation and presentation at the national Physician Assistant Education Association’s New Faculty Jumpstart Workshop, May 2021.

Richards S. Student Remediation & Support. Workshop facilitation and presentation at the Physician Assistant Education Association’s Faculty Jumpstart Workshop, February 2021.

Richards S. Incorporating Team-Based Learning in Your Class. Presentation for Emory & Henry College Faculty Professional Development Week. May 2019

Richards S. Communicating Expectations: Writing Instructional Objectives. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2019, Washington DC.

Richards S. Exam Data Analysis. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2019, Washington DC.

Richards S. How to Navigate the Road to Promotion and Tenure. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2019, Washington DC.

Richards S. Early Recognition, Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. CME presentation at the Association for Family Practice PAs and NPs Annual CME Symposium, February 2019, San Antonio, NM.

Richards S. Diagnosis and Evidence-Based Treatment of Patients with PTSD. CME presentation at the Association for Family Practice PAs and NPs Annual CME Symposium, February 2019, San Antonio, NM.

Richards S. Effective Presentations. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2018, Washington DC.

Richards S. Exam Data Analysis. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2018, Washington DC.

Richards S. Understanding the ARC-PA and Accreditation. CME presentation at the annual Physician Assistant Education Association Faculty Development 101 Workshop, April 2018, Washington DC.

Richards S. Bipolar Depression: Early Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment. CME presentation at the inaugural Association for Family Practice PAs and NPs Annual Early Disease Detection and Disease Prevention Symposium, April 2018, San Antonio, NM.

Richards S. Suicidality and Suicide Prevention: Early Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment. CME presentation at the inaugural Association for Family Practice PAs and NPs Annual Early Disease Detection and Disease Prevention Symposium, 2018, San Antonio, NM.

Richards S. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment. CME presentation at the inaugural Association for Family Practice PAs and NPs Annual Early Disease Detection and Disease Prevention Symposium, 2018, San Antonio, NM.

Richards S. Introduction to Motivational Interviewing. Two-Part CME Presentation for Johnston Memorial Hospital, Family Medicine Residency and Internal Medicine Residency, Grand Rounds. July 2017.

Richards S. Academic support strategies for graduate clinical health science students. Presentation for Emory & Henry College’s Powell Resource Center staff. January,2016.

Richards S. Suicide prevention and the ZeroSuicide initiative: An evidence-based approach to improving outcomes. Presentation for Johnston Memorial Hospital, Family Medicine Residency, Grand Rounds. March 2016.

Richards S. Bipolar Disorder: Pharmacotherapy and Treatment Update. CME presentation at the annual Delaware Academy of Physician Assistants Pharmaceutical Update conference, 2015, Delaware

Richards S. A psychodynamic and mindfulness perspective on leadership and difficult interactions. Presentation and workshop given for the Lynchburg College Anderson Leadership Conference Workshop: Thinking ‘Outside of the Box’ about Leadership, February 2015.

Richards S. Understanding self-esteem and self-efficacy and the neurobiology of fear: The real reasons why individuals do not do well in college. Presentation given for the Lynchburg College Annual Academic Recharge Symposium, September 2014.

Richards S. ADHD: Pharmacotherapy and Treatment Update. CME presentation at the annual Delaware Academy of Physician Assistants Pharmaceutical Update conference, 2014: Delaware.

Abel C, Dunican K, & Richards S. An interprofessional cultural competence activity for all first professional year pharmacy and physician assistant students. Poster presented at: AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education; July, 2013; Chicago, IL.