Dustin Willis, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, TPS
Associate Professor, Physical Therapy
Willis D, Lohman E. The Compassionate H.E.A.R.T. Model of Patient-Provider Interaction. The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation . March 2023.
Burgess C, Chen B, Dulay R, Hermosura JR, Holness S, Sueki, DG, Tonley J, Willis DK. Single-leg loading assessment tool: interrater and intrarater reliability using a quantitative measurement tool to assess the qualitative mechanics of a triple hop. Poster Presentation, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, February 2018.
Anderson A, Chang A, LaPenna J, Willis, DK. The Imposter Within Us: Prevalence, Predictors, Impact, and Strategies to Overcome Imposterism in Physical Therapists. Poster Presentation, AAOMPT Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, October 2022.
Gilliland SJ, Willis DK. UNI: Fostering Persistence and Belonging for Diverse Doctor of Physical Therapy Students. Poster Presentation, APTA Educational Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA, October 2022.