Daniel Cipriani, Ph.D., PT

Daniel Cipriani, PT, PhD

Professor, Physical Therapy Program

Contact Information


  • PhD, University of Toledo, 2003
  • MS in Exercise Science/Applied Biomechanics, University of Toledo, 1992
  • BS in Physical Therapy, The Ohio State University, 1984


Dr. Cipriani has been a licensed Physical Therapist since 1984 with extensive clinical experiences in the areas of orthopaedic rehabilitation, orthopaedic trauma, and sports medicine. His primary area of clinical expertise focuses on lower extremity biomechanics and injury mechanics, with a special interest in running and cycling related injuries.  He has been involved in academia and research since 1991and along the way he helped develop a Master’s Degree program in Rehabilitation Science. As a faculty member he has received numerous teaching awards including being a 3-time recipient of the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence at the Medical College of Ohio, twice named the Outstanding Faculty Member at Chapman University and twice named DPT Faculty of the Year at West Coast University. Dr. Cipriani serves as a manuscript reviewer for numerous professional research journals and he is a member of the International Editorial Board for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy.  In addition, for several years he served on the main Editorial Board for the Physical Therapy Journal and was awarded Manuscript Reviewer of the Year by the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Cipriani received his B.S. in Physical Therapy at The Ohio State University. He completed his M.S. (Exercise Science and Applied Biomechanics) and Ph.D. (Applied Measurement/Statistics) at the University of Toledo.  His research interests include applied exercise techniques for the enhancement of movement, assessment of orthoses on joint function, and research focusing on the Clinimetric and Psychometric properties of clinical measures.  Dr. Cipriani has authored and co-authored over 40 peer-reviewed research publications, several book chapters, and numerous invited papers.  Abstracts from his research and that of his students have been presented at State and National Physical Therapy and Biomechanics Professional Conferences.  Dr. Cipriani has presented lectures and workshops across the United States and Puerto Rico mostly on the topics of lower extremity biomechanics and orthotic management of foot pathomechanics.

LinkedIn Profile


Kelly M, Nurray N, Lugade V, Jones P, Wuebbles R, Cipriani D (2022). Reliability and validity of the gait analyzer application. J of Measurement, 192(3) 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.110882

Guervarra CC, Murray N, Cipriani D, Mailland K, Char A, Coffman K, Davis C, Truong F, Danielian A, Barnes, G, Gaal W (2022). Cardiovascular involvement among collegiate athletes following COVID-19 infection. J Clin Translational Res https://10.8053/Jctres/08.202201.004

Murray NG, Moran R, Islas A, Pavillionis P, Szekely B, Alphoonsa S, Howell D, Buckley T, Cipriani D (2021). Sport-related concussion adopt a more conservative approach to straight path walking and turning during tandem gait. J Clin Translational Res, 7(4): 443-449. http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.07.202104.002

Murray NG, Belson E, Szelkely B, Islas A, Cipriani D, Lynall RC, Buckley TA, Powell DW. (2020), Baseline postural control and lower extremity injury incidence among those with a history of concussion. J Athletic Training, 55(2): 109-115.

Murray, N.G., Belson, E., Szelkely, B., Islas, A.., Cipriani, D., Lynall R.C., Buckley T.A., Powell D.W. (2020), Baseline postural control and lower extremity injury incidence among those with a history of concussion. J Athletic Training, 55(2), 109-115. https://doi.org/10.4085/1062-6050-187-19

Cipriani, D.J., Pera, D., Pomerantz, A., Reid, A., & Brown, T.E. (2020). A proposed modification to the ankle dorsiflexion lunge measurement in weight bearing: clinical application with reliability and validity. Ortho Phys Therapy Practice, 32(2), 88-90.

Choi W.J., Robinovitch S.N., Ross S.A., Phan J., Cipriani D. (2017). Effect of neck flexor muscle activation on impact velocity of the head during backward falls in young adults. Clinical Biomechanics, 49(8): 28-33. doi.org/10.1016

Zappala, J., Orrego, C., Boe, E., Fechner, H., Salminen, D., & Cipriani, D.J. (2017). Influence of posture-cuing shirt on tennis serve kinematics in Division III tennis players. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 16(1), 49-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcm.2016.05.003

Hodges M, Lee C, Lorenz K, Cipriani D (2015). Review of the PE Metrics cognitive assessment tool for fifth grade Students. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 7: 119-125.

Trone D, Cipriani D, Raman R, Wingard D, Shaffer R, Macera C (2014). Self-reported smoking and musculoskeletal overuse injury among male and female U.S. Marine Corp recruits. Military Medicine, 179 (7): 735- 743.

Cipriani D, Yu T, Lyssanova O (2014). Perceived influence of a compression, posture-cueing shirt on cyclists’ ride experience and post-recovery. J Chiropractic Medicine, 13(1): 21-27.

Unfried B, Arginaldo A, Cipriani D (2013). Running on a cambered surface: influence on lower extremity muscle activity as measured with electromyography. J Applied Biomechanics, 29: 421-427.

Murray N, Cipriani D, O’Rand D, Reed-Jones, R (2013). Effects of Foot Position during Squatting on the Quadriceps Femoris:An Electromyographic Study. International J of Exer Science, 6(2): 114-125.

Trone DW, Cipriani D, Raman R, Wingard DL, Shaffer RA, Macera CA (2013). The association of self-reported measures with poor training outcomes among male and female U.S. Navy recruits. Military Medicine, 178 (1): 43-49.

Cipriani D, Darr F, McPeck D, Kubec G, Thomas J (2012). Rating scale analysis and psychometric properties of the Caregiver Self Efficacy Scale for Transfers. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 32(4): 404-415.

Cipriani D, Terry M, Haines, M, Tabibnia A, Lyssanova O (2012). Effect of stretch frequency and sex on rate of gain and rate of loss in muscle flexibility during a hamstring stretching program: a randomized single-blind longitudinal study. J Str Condit Res, 26(8): 2119-29

Parry J, Straub R, Cipriani D (2012). Shoulder and back muscle activation during shoulder flexion and abduction using a Bodyblade Pro vs. dumbbells. J Sport Rehabil, 21: 266-272.

Straub R, Cipriani D (2012). Influence of Infra-patellar and Supra-patellar Straps on Quadriceps Muscle Activity and Onset Timing during the Body-weight Squat. J Str Condit Res, 26(7): 1827-1837

Research Gate Publications


Kendrick A, Brown T, Traywick L, Zeiner T, Cipriani D (2022). Intentional grouping and team building with the gross Anatomy laboratory. POSTER presented American Association of Clinical Anatomists Annual Conference, Philadelphia April 2022

Kissick, C., Brennan, J., Szelkely, B., Alphonsa, S., Pavilionis, P., Islas, A., Cipriani, D., Ryan, M., & Murray, N. (2019). Sport-related concussions have a more conservative stepping pattern during instrumented tandem gait performance. SWACSM, October, 2019 [Poster]. Abstract published Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (2020). Volume 52:5 Supplement.

Murray, N.G., Szekely, B., Belson, E., Islas, A., Henke, J., Gaubatz, J., Cipriani, D., Munkasy, B.A., & Powell, D. (2018). Baseline postural control measures: an indicator for increased injury frequency following sport-related concussion [Poster/Platform]. Southwest American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Costa Mesa CA, 2018.

Murray, N.G., Szekely, B., Belson, E., Islas, A., Henke, J., Gaubatz, J., Cipriani, D., Munkasy, B.A., Powell, D (2018). Baseline postural control measures: an indicator for increased injury frequency following sport-related concussion. Poster session presented at the Southwest American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Costa Mesa CA.

Bryant J, Garcia M, Mamujac T, Swift T, Thibodeau J, Lwin J, Cipriani D. (2017). Effects of dynamic warmup on FMS scores. Poster session presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association annual meeting, Las Vegas NV.

Tierney L, Cheng M, Minyen S, Waters L, Cipriani D. (2017). Determining approach distance for reliable and valid gait analysis in community dwelling older adults. NEXT Conference, American Physical Therapy Association annual meeting.

Choi W. J., Robinovitch, S. N., Cipriani, D., Phan J. (2015). Effect of muscle contraction on impact velocities of the head during backward falls in young adults. Abstract presented at the annual meeting of American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), Columbus, OH.

Cipriani, D., Duncan, I., Happen,y D., Liu, T., Brechter, J. (2014). Reliability of the GAITRite walkway system in patients with orthopedic lumbar and lower extremity injuries. Poster session presented at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Las Vegas NV.

Cipriani, D. (2014). The biomechanics and functional implications of lower extremity kinematics and kinetics, related to overuse injuries and injury pathology: implications for conservative intervention.
Presented at The Idaho Physical Therapy Association Spring Meeting, Twin Falls, ID

Cipriani, D., Watt, A., Varner, A., Fiamengo, J., Brechter, J. (2014). Validity and responsiveness of the GAITRite as a measure of change in patients with lower extremity musculoskeletal conditions.
Poster session presented at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Las Vegas NV.

Tierney, L., Baxter, M., Martony, T., Morrow, M., Sakoda, J., Cipriani, D. (2014). The relationship between plantarflexion strength, balance, and gait characteristics in older adults. Poster session presented at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Unfried, B., Arginaldo, A., Cipriani, D. (2012). Running on a cambered surface: influence on lower extremity muscle activity as measured with electromyography. Noraxon Research Symposium: EMG, Gait, and Kinesiological Applications. Invited to present, Las Vegas, NV.

Freeman, J.A., Guy, A.R., Rader, A.D., Grant-Beuttler, M., Cipriani, D. (2012). A comparison of functional outcomes using the Toe-Off ankle-foot orthosis in a healthy adult population: a pilot study. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Chicago, IL.