WCU Student Spotlight: Terry and Delana Johnson

Terry and Delana Johnson are nearing the finish line for their nursing degrees at West Coast University-Dallas. But the husband-and-wife team already are seasoned veterans.

Terry is a retired Air Force medic who served for 23 years, and Delana also served as a medic in the Air Force, which is how they first met. Delana decided she wanted to start a nursing program after she retired and Terry came along for the ride — literally.

“I didn’t plan on enrolling,” Terry shared. “I just came to support her, and after we did the tour of the school, I also decided to start West Coast for my nursing degree.”

Delana shared that it was during her time as a medic serving wounded warriors just off the battlefield, that she decided she really wanted to be a nurse.

“To see them through their extensive injuries and now where they’re able to function and go home or to duty, it really touched me,” Delana shared.

Terry and Delana were both honored during Veteran’s Day at West Coast University, with their fellow veterans on campus. They received pins and their names were on a plaque recognizing their service.

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