WCU MSLP Student Uses Grad School to Find Her Speech Pathology Niche

WCU MSLP Student

Already a speech assistant, Lahya W. went back to school in hopes of finding her niche as a speech pathologist. 

Now pursuing her master’s of speech-language pathology degree at West Coast University, Lahya said she’s looking forward to getting hands-on experience in an area that piques her interest. 

“This field is so dynamic. You can really do a lot with it,” she said. “But I want to do my clinical fellowship and tap into a specialized area.” 

Layha’s experience in the clinical immersive has been her favorite part of the 20-month online program. It allowed her to meet her cohort and professors in person and obtain hands-on practice. 

“We go to do language and hearing screenings,” she said. “It was collaborative, and we got to observe the facility. I got to see the mock medical room and home setting room, which prepared us more for the field.” 

With the experience of the clinical immersive, Layha said she is confident that she will become more comfortable working in bariatrics or maybe with adolescents. 

“I really love to help individuals, and I love the ethics and the curriculum behind speech and language therapy,” she said. “I’m excited to get in the field.” 

Layha is part of West Coast University’s first MSLP cohort. Although initially nervous about starting a graduate program, Layha said the professors have helped her stay encouraged and inspired her. 

“It’s not a walk in the park,” she said. “It’s rigorous, but the support from this program has really helped. The professors have opened the field of opportunities in the field. I’m excited to pursue and persist.” 

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