WCU-Miami Alumni Spotlight: Jill M., BSN ’21

WCU-Miami BSN Graduate Jill M.

When asked what inspired her to become a nurse, WCU-Miami alumna Jill M. has a simple answer: “To make a difference in people’s lives.”

Like Jill, many of our students pursue their nursing education because they want to make an impact in their community. At WCU, our job is to give you the tools to get there through a hands-on nursing education.

“The school prepared me for clinicals by providing a lot of one-on-one with the instructor,” Jill said of her education. “My instructors knew what they were talking about.”

Additionally, Jill cites the simulation labs on campus as an important reason why she became the nurse she is today. “We learned what to do and what not to do. Having the sim labs helped me be more confident when I gave patient care because I had already practiced the skills. It made me a better nurse at the end.”

In fact, her education left her so sure of her nursing skills that she wasn’t worried about her licensure exam. “I felt very prepared,” she said of the NCLEX-RN. “I was confident that I was going to pass.” Watch this video to learn more about Jill’s story.

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