WCU-Los Angeles BSN Alum Followed Family’s Footsteps to ‘Most Rewarding’ Career 

Growing up in a family rooted in the medical field, Shelby L. has always been passionate about helping others – and she may not have had a choice in the matter. Shelby’s career path seemed almost preordained, with a doctor for a father and a dietician for a mother – who met for the first time in a hospital. 

“I’ve always had a passion for helping people,” Shelby said. “I always enjoyed caring for people. I enjoyed science, so I thought that nursing was a great career for me.” 

However, the road to becoming a nurse wasn’t easy. Now a proud alum of West Coast University-Los Angeles’ BSN program, Shelby faced numerous challenges along the way but was driven by her desire to support those in need. 

“Nursing school was really difficult,” she admitted. “I struggled through it, but once I finished, I was able to go and work in a hospital, help people who really needed it, and be with people through the toughest times of their lives. That is what pushed me through because I wanted to be there for people in the future.” 

Shelby found valuable support through the PALS tutoring program at WCU-Los Angeles. Having tutors who had recently navigated the same challenges provided a unique and effective support system for students, she said. 

“I would recommend PALS tutoring for anyone struggling with any class because it’s led by someone who has just gone through this. They understand the instructors, they understand the exams, they understand the material,” she added. 

Today, Shelby finds immense satisfaction in her role as a nurse. The moments of joy and relief she witnessed in her patients made all the hard work worthwhile. 

“Nursing is very rewarding. I love being a nurse. I love helping my patients,” she said. “I love when a patient comes to me when they get their test back saying they’re in remission. That is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever felt in my life.” 

WCU provides career guidance and assistance but cannot guarantee employment. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or position of the school or of any instructor or student.