WCU and ACC Unite for Heart Health: $27,500 Raised at Annual AHA Heart Walk Event

The American Heart Association’s Heart Walk is the nonprofit organization’s annual event to raise funds for improving heart health throughout our communities. Over 400 associates, students, and alumni from WCU and ACC joined forces at Angel Stadium on Saturday, April 13, to participate in the 5K or 1-mile walk and show their support of this important initiative.  

The team had five dogs who took part in the walk around Angel Stadium, and one student even brought along his bird for the walk! To support the event university-wide, we also had virtual walkers from WCU-Texas, WCU-Miami, WCU Online Programs participate. 

Together, ACC and WCU raised $27,500 at this year’s Heart Walk. Thank you to everyone who took part in this event and helped make it such a success.  #WCUCares

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