This November, the WCU Alumni Association helped foster the spirit of gratitude through a series of luncheons that celebrated our amazing alumni and their units. The luncheons served as a small token of appreciation for the many nurses and professionals in the healthcare field working every day to help keep our communities safe.

Check out what our alumni had to say about the event:
“I am thankful for the alumni team hosting the feeds initiative because it brings my coworkers and me together for an amazing lunch and time to talk, versus on a normal day when everyone is super busy, and we are all having lunches at separate times. Also, it shows that the WCU Alumni Association really supports graduates and wants to be a part of wherever they are in their nursing careers. There are so many ways I am able to now give back to the community through all of the amazing opportunities they offer! I am so thankful I went to such an amazing university!”
Lauren M., BSN ’21, WCU-Texas

“The WCU Alumni Association supporting me and other healthcare professionals allows my peers at Mount Sinai Medical Center to understand the support I have from my university. You’re not just another number or another student on a roster. Knowing that a university can provide something as simple as lunch to make your day a little brighter makes you feel appreciated for all that we do in the field. This has also allowed others around me to see how much WCU appreciates and supports me as a graduate. WCU has always made me feel at home, supported through my studies, and now shows support to my peers in the field.”
Iris M., MSN, BSN ’20, WCU-Miami
In California, the alumni team had the privilege of honoring Duc N., BSN ’20, and his unit at Kaiser Permanente. As a bonus, the team celebrated Duc for both the Marine Corps birthday and Veterans Day! There was lots of celebrating (and cake) to go around!

Thank you to all WCU alumni and healthcare workers for your commitment to your careers!
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WCU provides career guidance and assistance but cannot guarantee employment. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or position of the school or of any instructor or student.