When WCU-Miami alumna Brenda L. (BSN ’23) graduated high school, she struggled to make a decision about her career path. On the one hand, she had the option of following in her parents’ footsteps. They were both nurses, and Brenda was familiar with the profession. However, she also had the option of forging her own path and trying a different occupation.
During her years in community college, she changed majors a few times and seriously considered pre dentistry, but she just couldn’t find a program that clicked as well as nursing.
The answer became clear: nursing was her true calling. That’s when she sought information on pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at West Coast University — and it was a perfect fit!
Now Brenda is a WCU-Miami alumna working in the pediatric ICU. Check out what she has to say about her nursing journey!
Q&A With Brenda
WCU: Were there any classes or professors that influenced where you are today?
Brenda: A class that influenced me a lot was pediatrics. This was the most challenging course while I was in school; it taught me how to study and how to critically think.
WCU: How did you end up working in the pediatric ICU?
Brenda: My journey to work at this specialty started when I did my clinicals at the hospital. My clinical professor asked us what our interests were. I said pediatrics, and she took me to the ICU. I fell in love with the unit; I saw myself working there, and I applied as soon as I graduated.
WCU: What are some of the top ways your nursing education helped prepare you for this role?
Brenda: WCU has helped me get where I am today by providing very valuable resources. The staff at WCU are very helpful and friendly, from administration to professors. WCU provided me with the tools I need to become a nurse.
WCU: What advice do you have for students who want to follow your path?
Brenda: The advice I have for students who want to follow this path is to never give up on their dreams, no matter what life throws at them. This is a beautiful and rewarding career. Also, study hard from the beginning and find what works best for you.

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