Alumna Returns to West Coast University to Shape Future Healthcare Leaders

West Coast University boasts a special connection with its alumni, with many returning to share their expertise and experiences with current students. Ashley S., an enthusiastic advocate for nursing and public health, exemplifies this bond as she steps into her role as a Public Health instructor at her alma mater. 

Reflecting on her journey back to campus, Ashley expressed her unwavering commitment to West Coast University: 

“There’s no other place I’d want to come back to teach. When Dean Joy Beckford offered me the opportunity to do adjunct work in Public Health, there was no doubt in my mind — I’m coming back.” 

Having graduated and practiced for six years before returning, Ashley now finds herself in a fulfilling position where she can give back to the institution that shaped her career. 

Transitioning from student to instructor, Ashley emphasizes the importance of the support system provided by West Coast University. 

“Moving from adjunct into an instructor role has been seamless,” she said. “They were very supportive of me advancing my degree, and now I feel ready to teach here as well.” 

Ashley’s passion for teaching extends to her dedication to student success, which is evident in her utilization of campus resources. She highlights the comprehensive ATI program, mentorship opportunities, and the invaluable support offered by the nursing academic specialists. 

“As an instructor, I encourage students to make use of these resources, ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed,” she said. 

In discussing her role in Public Health education, Ashley emphasizes the shift in mindset required. 

“Public Health nursing is a completely different mindset than bedside nursing. It’s about focusing on the entire well-being of the community and hopefully preventing illness before they get to requiring bedside care,” Ashley added. 

With recent global events highlighting the significance of public health, Ashley aims to instill in her students a broader understanding of healthcare beyond individual patient care. 

For those considering a career in nursing or healthcare, Ashley offers simple yet powerful advice: “Just do it. Follow your dreams and pursue nursing if it’s where your heart lies.” 

As she navigates her role as an instructor and alum, Ashley finds fulfillment in giving back to the institution that provided her with endless opportunities. 

“It’s an honor to walk with students through their journey, knowing they will get through it, just like I did,” she said. 

WCU provides career guidance and assistance but cannot guarantee employment. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or position of the school or of any instructor or student.