Roshmi Mishra, PhD, MS
Olan, E. L., & Mishra, R. (2017). Narrative pedagogy as a mindful contemplative practice: Discovering preservice teachers’ mindful presence. In E.H. Dorman, K. Byrnes, & J. E. Dalton (Eds.), Impacting teaching and learning: Contemplative practices, pedagogy, and research in education (pp. 67-78). Rowan & Littlefield.
Mishra, R. (2016, February 18-20). Within Title 1 Schools: Can mindfulness reduce the chronic stress of high poverty schools [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Poverty, Globalization and Schooling: A Holistic Approach, Orlando, FL, United States.
Perez, M., & Mishra, R. (2020, July, 15). Mindfulness Breathing Effects on Stress and Wellness [Conference session]. NAHN, Miami, FL, United States.
Mishra, R. (2016, April, 7). Mindfulness Teacher Training, District-9 Public Schools, Rochester New York, United States.
Mishra, R. (2015, December). Mindfulness in Education: Cultivating Well-Being for Teachers and Students. December, 2015. Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, United States.
Mishra, R. (2015, July). Oswego Writing Institute: Mindful Reflections of Middle School Science Students: How engaging in mindfulness brings more learning to the classroom [Presentation]. Yoga and Mindfulness for EDU 525 Teachers, Oswego County, FL, United States.