WCU Dental Hygiene Clinic

We aim to provide no-cost dental services to families who might otherwise not have access to dental care.

WCU Dental Hygiene Clinic WCU Dental Hygiene Clinic

A Philanthropic Learning Experience

In our dental hygiene program, community giving is built into the curriculum. Our students offer dental services under the supervision of licensed hygienists and dentists at no-cost to the community. The clinic provides services to many individuals who might otherwise not have access to proper dental care.

All members of the community are welcome, regardless of income or age! The clinic receives more than 15,000 patient visits per year. In return, our students are able to get real-life patient experience.

Our Services

Every smile should be a healthy smile! Our aim is to provide a wide array of services that help community members take better care of their health. Services provided free of charge include:

  • Medical and dental history review
  • Oral Screening
  • Intra-and extra-Oral examination
  • Risk assessment
  • Oral hygiene education and instruction
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Tobacco cessation counseling
  • Digital imaging (X-rays)
  • Application of pit and fissure sealants
  • Fluoride treatment/therapy
  • Tooth desensitization procedures
  • Study model for interpretation and tray fabrication
  • Prosthesis care for partial and full dentures
  • Periodontal screening and non-surgical periodontal
    therapy (cleanings)

Dental Hygiene Clinic

Call for your free appointment:
(877) 928-2546

For more information, download our clinic information flyer:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who delivers dental services at the clinic?
Our dental hygiene students provide services under the supervision of licensed dentists and hygienists.

Who can visit the clinic?
Anyone in need of dental services can visit the clinic. There are no age or income restrictions.

Is it really free?
Yes, services are provided at no cost to the community. In exchange, our dental hygiene students gain vital, real-world experience that prepares them to provide efficient and empathetic care to their patients.

How do I make an appointment?
Call us to schedule your appointment! You can reach the WCU Dental Hygiene Clinic at 877-928-2546.

Where is the clinic located?
The WCU Dental Hygiene Clinic is located on the fourth floor of our Orange County campus in Anaheim. Please use the following address to find the campus:

1477 S. Manchester Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92802