Emma Zone, EdD, MEd, MA



Johnson, C., & Zone, E. (2018). Achieving a scaled implementation of adaptive learning through faculty engagement: A case study. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 5(1).

Zone, E.J. (2017). Academic transformation. The 2017 key issues in teaching and learning. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. Retrieved from https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2017/2/eli7141.pdf

Johnson, C. & Zone, E. (2016, September 23). Want adaptive learning to work? Encourage adaptive teaching. Here’s how. EdSurge. Retrieved from https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-09-23-want-adaptive-learning-to-work-encourage-adaptive-teaching-here-s-how

Zone, E.J. & Troka, T. (2015). Online student success trifecta: Curricular, advising and faculty collaboration.  Instructional Technology Council Newsletter. Retrieved from http://www.itcnetwork.org/resources/itc-newsletter/1159-the-online-student-success-trifecta-curricular-advising-and-faculty-collaboration-at-colorado-technical-university.html

Zone, E.J. (2013). The relationship of perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, and years of online teaching experience to work engagement among online undergraduate adjunct faculty members (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest/UMI. (3570880)


Zone, E. & Bouchey, B. (2019, November). Reflect–collaborate–plan: Supporting a culture of innovation through online communities of practice. Presentation at OLC Accelerate, Orlando, FL.

Zone, E. & Bray, N. (2019, November). Supporting a culture of innovation by empowering faculty communities of practice. Presentation at WCET Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Bryant, G. & Zone, E. (2017, November). Balancing standardization & innovation in teaching & learning technologies. Presentation at OLC Accelerate, Orlando, FL.

Zone, E. & Troka, T. (2017, November). Scale, sustainability, and success: Creating a leadership strategy for innovation. Presentation at OLC Accelerate, Orlando, FL.

Ford, C. & Zone, E. (2017, June). Using adaptive learning to personalize the learner experience. Presentation at UPCEA Summit for Online Leadership, San Diego, CA.

Bryant, G., Burt, W., Rectanus, K. & Zone, E. (2017, April). Making smart decisions about digital learning with the CWiC framework. Presentation at OLC Innovate, New Orleans, LA.

Bryant, G., Tesene, M., & Zone, E. (2017, February). Using the CWiC framework to improve your courseware selection and implementation. Presentation at ELI Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.

Zone, E. (2016, November). Serving under-resourced college students. Presentation at CTU Professional Development Coffeehouse Series, Webinar.

Zone, E. (2016, July). Faculty engagement & instruction in introductory courses using adaptive courseware. Presentation at the APLU (American Public & Land Grant Universities) Adaptive Courseware Convening, Washington, DC.

Zone, E. & Sloan, A. (2016, April). (Re)Defining student success and instruction using adaptive technology in general education courses. Presentation at OLC Innovate, New Orleans, LA.

Zone, E. (2015, March). Influence the moment: A cross-functional, integrative approach to student retention. Presentation at Instructional Technology Council, Webinar.